A Time for Change
I curled up this morning with my six-year old son, who had woken up scared in the middle of the night, and was now in my bed with me,...

Practice Makes Perfect: 10 Daily Mindfulness Exercises
I mention mindfulness in all of my posts, it is part of my blog title, but I have never offered up a list of simple, real exercises to...

Will Mindfulness Bring About the Zombie Apocalypse?
Many people wonder if those who practice mindfulness are walking around so detached from the world around them that they seem more like...

Will You Be Alive at 50?
While I rushed from work, dodging red lights and slow poke drivers in front of me, I frantically searched for a parking spot while...

Want Something? Let It Go!
Have you ever wanted something so badly that simply thinking of it made you feel frustrated or stressed out? Have you ever longed for...